TT-6810 MPDS Home Land Earth Station enables terrestrial MPDS communication with users on land, at sea and in the air.

Accessing the MPDS service

The TT-6810 MPDS Home Land Earth Station (HLES) is part of the network infrastructure required for the Inmarsat Mobile Packet Data Service, which provides data rates up to 64 Kbit/s.


It serves as the access point for terrestrial users communicating with MPDS terminals e.g. Fleet 77, Fleet 55, Fleet 33, Aero MPDS and GAN terminals.


Store and secure

The Inmarsat MPDS HLES comprises a fully redundant computer system and firewalls that protect against unauthorized access.


This means that security for the maintenance of user profiles, authentication, specification of QoS and sending of billing data is guaranteed.

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